Download book David Klein - American Casebook: American Courts Explained : A Detailed Introduction to the Legal Process Using Real Cases DOC, DJV, PDF


American Courts Explained ("ACE") takes students on a detailed tour of American courts by following two real cases--one criminal, one civil--from the events that gave rise to them, through pre-trial proceedings, jury trials, and appeals. Along the way there are stops in state and federal trial and appellate courts, as well as the U.S. Supreme Court. ACE introduces readers to major debates relating to the courts: How "political" are judges? How well do different methods of selecting judges work? Do ordinary people have adequate access to lawyers? Should we trust jurors to decide complex and emotional cases? But it presents these debates in the context of actual cases so that readers can see why these debates matter to the parties, lawyers, judges, and jurors. The conviction behind this approach is that students learn best when engaged by vivid, interesting cases with details that make abstract debates and difficult legal concepts meaningful and easier to understand. By the end of ACE, readers will find that the judicial process has been demystified. They will have a firm understanding of what litigants, lawyers and judges do, will understand the structure and procedure of American civil and criminal courts, will see the purposes served by judicial rules and procedures, and will see what effect these rules, and procedures have on the outcomes of cases. Readers will have acquired the knowledge needed to critically evaluate the legal institutions we have and proposals for changing them. ACE can serve as a stand-alone text or as a supplement to a textbook that takes a more thematic and less detailed approach to the American judicial process. An accompanying website provides teachers and students with the many legal documents discussed in ACE. These materials may be used for extended study of topics, for class exercises or assignments, or just to provide more detail on the many legal procedures and concepts discussed in ACE. ACE will give students contemplating law school or a career in criminal justice a realistic understanding of what those careers would involve and a head start on the deeper study of American courts required for those career paths., American Courts Explained ('eoeACE'e) takes students on a detailed tour of American courts by following two real cases?one criminal, one civil?from the events that gave rise to them, through pre-trial proceedings, jury trials, and appeals. Along the way there are stops in state and federal trial and appellate courts, as well as the U.S. Supreme Court. ACE introduces readers to major debates relating to the courts: How "political" are judges? How well do different methods of selecting judges work? Do ordinary people have adequate access to lawyers? Should we trust jurors to decide complex and emotional cases? But it presents these debates in the context of actual cases so that readers can see why these debates matter to the parties, lawyers, judges, and jurors. The conviction behind this approach is that students learn best when engaged by vivid, interesting cases with details that make abstract debates and difficult legal concepts meaningful and easier to understand. By the end of ACE, readers will find that the judicial process has been demystified. They will have a firm understanding of what litigants, lawyers and judges do, will understand the structure and procedure of American civil and criminal courts, will see the purposes served by judicial rules and procedures, and will see what effect these rules, and procedures have on the outcomes of cases. Readers will have acquired the knowledge needed to critically evaluate the legal institutions we have and proposals for changing them. ACE can serve as a stand-alone text or as a supplement to a textbook that takes a more thematic and less detailed approach to the American judicial process. An accompanying website provides teachers and students with the many legal documents discussed in ACE. These materials may be used for extended study of topics, for class exercises or assignments, or just to provide more detail on the many legal procedures and concepts discussed in ACE. ACE will give students contemplating law school or a career in criminal justice a realistic understanding of what those careers would involve and a head start on the deeper study of American courts required for those career paths., American Courts Explained (?ACE?) takes students on a detailed tour of American courts by following two real cases?one criminal, one civil?from the events that gave rise to them, through pre-trial proceedings, jury trials, and appeals. Along the way there are stops in state and federal trial and appellate courts, as well as the U.S. Supreme Court. ACE introduces readers to major debates relating to the courts: How "political" are judges? How well do different methods of selecting judges work? Do ordinary people have adequate access to lawyers? Should we trust jurors to decide complex and emotional cases? But it presents these debates in the context of actual cases so that readers can see why these debates matter to the parties, lawyers, judges, and jurors. The conviction behind this approach is that students learn best when engaged by vivid, interesting cases with details that make abstract debates and difficult legal concepts meaningful and easier to understand. By the end of ACE, readers will find that the judicial process has been demystified. They will have a firm understanding of what litigants, lawyers and judges do, will understand the structure and procedure of American civil and criminal courts, will see the purposes served by judicial rules and procedures, and will see what effect these rules, and procedures have on the outcomes of cases. Readers will have acquired the knowledge needed to critically evaluate the legal institutions we have and proposals for changing them. ACE can serve as a stand-alone text or as a supplement to a textbook that takes a more thematic and less detailed approach to the American judicial process. An accompanying website provides teachers and students with the many legal documents discussed in ACE. These materials may be used for extended study of topics, for class exercises or assignments, or just to provide more detail on the many legal procedures and concepts discussed in ACE. ACE will give students contemplating law school or a career in criminal justice a realistic understanding of what those careers would involve and a head start on the deeper study of American courts required for those career paths.

Book American Casebook: American Courts Explained : A Detailed Introduction to the Legal Process Using Real Cases in MOBI, FB2, TXT

The term "White Collar Crime" was coined in 1939 by Edwin H.The inside story of these events and their aftermath will change people's perceptions about UFOs and about the true role played by government, the military and the intelligence agencies.In the fourteenth River Cottage Handbook, Gill Meller gives definitive guidance for keeping pigs and cooking with pork, Keeping a herd of pigs brings a lot of enjoyment - they are curious, intelligent and (often) lovable animals, with plenty of character.Distinguished by an effective 2-page design and a full-color presentation, each book in this series is filled with cases, annotated images, questions and answers, pearls, and relevant literature references that effectively prepares you for virtually any exam on the subject.She also comes to a startling realization - serial killers have families, and blood runs thick.If you get tangled in a ball of wool, she's always the first person you call to help you sort your cross stitch from your cable.Detailed information on how to...Their trial is one of the most infamous British court cases of the nineteenth century and their hanging was Britain's last public multiple execution.Noted legal scholars explain the legal precedent created by each case and set the case within its historical and political context in a way that will assist students and advocates in poverty-related disciplines in their understanding of the implications of these cases for contemporary public policy decisions in poverty programs.The expanded coverage on high-tech imaging ensures that you will be current with the latest advancements and trends in musculoskeletal imaging.Several days later, Jonah's live-in girlfriend, Rebecca, is found hanging, nude, with her hands tied behind her.