Waltham Centre for Pet Nutrition: The Waltham Book of Human-Animal Interaction : Benefits and Responsibilities of Pet Ownership No. 4 (1995, Paperback) by in MOBI, DJV


In the last 30 years there has been a tremendous expansion in our knowledge of the behaviour of companion animals, and how humans and animals affect each other. The Waltham Book of Human and Animal Interaction draws together key examples of work in this area, with contributions from worldwide experts. After a brief review of the history of human-animal interactions, research findings from recent studies are discussed to show the benefits that can be gained from pet ownership. The role of animals in care and therapy programmes is described. The owner-pet relationship is then addressed from the perspective of owner responsibility towards the pet. The final chapter considers psychosocial effects of pet loss. This book provides an introduction to this fascinating field of research for all those who take a deep interest in the understanding of human-animal interactions., In the last thirty years there has been a tremendous expansion in our knowledge of the behaviour of companion animals, and how humans and animals affect each other. The Waltham Book of Human Animal Interaction draws together key examples of work in this area, with contributions from worldwide experts. After a brief review of the history of human-animal interactions, research findings from recent studies are discussed to show the benefits that can be gained from pet ownership. The role of animals in care and therapy programmes is described. The owner pet relationship is then addressed from the perspective of owner responsibility towards the pet. The final chapter considers psychosocial effects of pet loss. This book provides an excellent introduction to this fascinating field of research for all those who take a deep interest in the understanding of human and animal interactions.

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